Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Unwanted phone calls....

there are just some phone calls you don't want to get.... Yesterday hubby called me on my way home from work, told me how his day was, and very calmly said..... " and I need to go somewhere and get some stitches." There wasn't a hint of urgency in his voice... how can men be so calm about these things? I would be crying and probably say I needed an ambulance! He cut his hand on metal (badly) and we ended up in the urgent care. Jason was very calm through the whole process, meanwhile it was all I could do to even be in the same room as him! I can only imagine how he is going to feel when he has to watch me have the baby... this is one of the FEW times I didn't wish he had to be pregnant...

1 comment:

August and Melissa said...

Oh man! that's crazy~ reminds me of the time August called me said he broke his wrist and was on his way into surgery. He said "See ya tommorrow" like nothing of it....boys!