Sunday, August 23, 2009

Things that melt my heart....

These are the best picture I could find of his "sunken eyebrows and melting into the sponge."---You'll read about these things:)

The older my tay-bug grows, the more I love him and melt. I am enjoying our little family melting together as we make changes and learn new trials. Today I think I finally moved over my "working hump." Motherhood doesn't exactly give you the daily reward of a job-well-done as working does, however, rarely does working place imprints on your heart. There are times when I helped someone accomplish a goal, learn a new skill or strategy, and that was rewarding and I still remember their face. Thoughts crossed my mind that there wasn't a better feeling. WRONG. Never did I think I would BEAM over a baby hanging over my shoulder. So I have finally faced the thought I have been TRYING to learn.... motherhood is a lifelong reward that someday will reap success.

Thing that make me melt:

A baby who wakes in the night, I'm convinced, just so he can hold his mommy for a while.

A baby snuggled in the moon of my tummy, with a daddy holding us both.

Greeting a smile when instantly noticed in a room.

Eyes following me while I leave the room with a brow of disappointment.

Sleeping eyes on my chest in the bathtub.

A sigh of exhaustion, with a head draping backwards. (closeline)

One eye peeking, just to make sure I am STILL holding him.

Sunken eyebrows with hands folded beneath the chin. I AM THINKING.

Grunting for business:)
Suck-sucking of a binky, moaning, to concentrate sleepy time, or filling an empty tummy.

Coo's in the morning, evening, and afternoon.

The sweet "lick-licking" of a baby who has found his mommy's shoulder.

Tiny hands discovering puppy dogs, and fishies. BAT.BAT.BAT

Drifting eyes while singing lullaby's

Listening ears to goldie-locks and the three bears.
A steady heartbeat.
Soft snoring and giggles from puppy-dog dreams.

Flailing arms approaching displeasure or excitement.

Sinking into the sponge to get deeper into the water. Sunken Eyebrows.

Smiles. Giggles. Joy.

I love you Tay bug and your daddy too:)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Sleep deprived and counting.....

If and when you get your birth announcement, you will see the deprevation of a dumb mom named HEIDI! I said Taylor was 21 inches, mind you I made these late night when he was actually SLEEPING..... and he was 19 inches. Yes I had to check.... ARGGG!

Monday, August 10, 2009

La Jolla

My Papa took his kids to La Jolla, CA for a week... how fun, huh?! My mom couldn't wait to lay in the sun, play in the waves, and come home "black" as she always used to say. RUDE AWAKENING of absolute sweetness. Me. My mom had the car packed brim to brim with all my THINGS. She was a nutcase a few days before we left. I hung in my Bjorn all day with mom, rough life for me, now that's where I want to be at home. My mom enjoyed having an excuse to have me attached to her all day even though she couldn't do all the normal things with me. It was a vacation from regular life to enjoy me and my dad.

Laying in the grass with mommy and daddy. Cute little fuss fuss.
San Diego Temple.... AMAZING!

Turtle power in my swim suit, laying on the sand entertaining my mom and Aunt Shayla. STRETCH!

My papa bought me a matching harley davidson shirt... to which my mom will NEVER let me ride one. My dad DISAGREE'S. I am catching my Papa's double chin:)

Here I am with my parents before going to sea world.... I love the otters and SHAMU!

...and my FAT cousin catching some zzz's. Love you chubby buppie.

Here is my PHAT Papa catching some rays

My mommy took me to watch my dad surf, but only caught him teaching his nieces and nephews. He is the best.